Every March, books and reading and the adventures that happen inside the covers of a book are celebrated all over the world. At St. Stephen’s, we all LOVE reading! For World Book Day, it’s like Christmas in our school with all the many different and fun activities that take place as part of our celebrations!!
In the past few years, some of the events we’ve had in our school for World Book Day include:
- Buddy Reading, where Senior Classes read stories to the Junior and Senior Infant classes
- Dressing Up, where the boys come to school dressed up as their favourite character from a book
- A Skype Classroom lesson with the Night Zookeeper, a UK based fantasy storyteller
- Designing alternative covers for books that we have read
- Bringing in favourite books and sharing with a class why someone likes that book
- Shared Reading with members of the Parents’ Association
- Making a podcast, describing our favourite books
- D.E.A.R. time – Drop Everything And Read, which is where we drop whatever we are doing for some reading time!
- A Skype Classroom lesson with an American author, where we learned about what makes a good book, how to proof read and how to go about getting a book published!
- Human Words, where several classes go to the yard and make human letters to spell out words and phrases that show off how much we love reading!
See photos from our celebrations for World Book Day 2014 by scrolling through the selection of photos below from our World Book Day 2014 celebrations!