Hello Everyone
I hope you are all keeping well and the boys are settled back into their school routine. It’s great to see the boys so happy coming into school everyday. This is just a quick message so that I can introduce myself. My name is Marise and I have taken over from Jerome as Home School Liaison Officer in our School. Many of you might know me already from my years of teaching Senior Infants. This year I am out of the classroom and I will be the link between school and home. If there is anything at all that you need I will be here to help. My number is 085 2775077 and my email address is hscldls@gmail.com. My Parent’s Room has been moved behind the prefab on the left when you come in the main gate on Patrick’s Street. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I am here to help. I will be in contact regularly on Aladdin and will be sending home newsletters during the year also.
I am looking forward to meeting lots of you over the coming weeks and months.
Finally I have attached a well-being tip sheet for Parents that you might find useful.
Take Care

Another area that Marise, our Home School Liaison Teacher, has been working on in 2020/2021 is promoting well being and positive mental health and applying for the Amber Flag for St. Stephen’s. A lot of hard work and great efforts have gone into this from everyone in St. Stephen’s. Check out everything that’s been going on to promote well being on our special AMBER FLAG webapge!
Our HSCL also looks after the Maths for Fun! scheme with the pupils from 2nd class upwards, along with our volunteer parents who so kindly gave their time to help out with the Maths for Fun! We have also run the “Science for Fun!” programme, again with the help of volunteer parents who give so generously of their time for the benefit of the boys in our school. See some photos of the many programmes run by our HSCL in action on the links below: