St. Stephen's De La Salle

Dear Parents / Guardians,

For the 2021/2022 school year, we would ask you to note the following:

  • Start and finish times will be staggered (see separate timetable below for details). Please note different entrances.
  • No children will be allowed in the yard before school to avoid crossover of classes.
  • All classes will be brought to their exit gate by their teacher at finishing time.
  • Uniforms – both old and new tracksuits and / or school uniforms are acceptable. These MUST be labelled as nothing can be stored in the school.
  • All contact number and address MUST be updated immediately.
  • Parents need to make an appointment by phone or email to visit the school. The contact email address for the school is ststephensdlsoffice@gmail.comFollowing health and safety guidelines face coverings must be worn and proper hand hygiene observed.  Several hand sanitisers are available adjacent to all school entrances.
  • No homework will be given for the month of September.   All boys must have their own plastic pencil case clearly labelled with their name containing a pencil, pen, topper, rubber and colouring pencils as no sharing is allowed.  These will remain in school.
  • Sanitisers are available in every classroom and resource room for pupil and staff use. All classrooms will be cleaned and sanitised daily.
  • If anyone in your household shows symptoms – high temperature, persistent cough, change in taste and smell etc, please keep your child and siblings at home. In the event of a child displaying symptoms in school, they will be isolated as per COVID-19 guidelines and you will be contacted immediately.  Please ensure you are contactable at all times.
  • The parking area on Patrick Street is for set down only . Please do not delay when dropping your son to school.

As we have done before and throughout this pandemic, we will strive to keep our school experience as normal as possible in these extraordinary times.

Staggered opening and closing times:

  • The following videos are also available as points of information:


                    St. Stephen's De La Salle BNS                   

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