It is a source of great pride that we have been awarded the prestigious status of Digital School of Distinction.
A celebration and the official awarding of the status took place on Friday, December 1st, 2017, when we were joined by members of our school’s Board of Management and Parents’ Association, Mayor Cllr. Pat Nugent, and Mr. Robbie O’Leary, who represented the Digital Schools of Distinction programme.
It was a fantastic celebration as all classes gathered in the yard, and our school welcomed our visitors. Mr. Morris welcomed Mayor of Waterford City and County Councillor Pat Nugent and he spoke about the wonderful achievement of gaining Digital School status. Mr. Robbie O’Leary was a special visitor to our school on the day too, and he came all the way from Dublin to officially present our school with the Digital Schools Award. Mr. O’Leary talked about our brilliant school and our fantastic city and about being proud of where you are from. Mr. Russell talked about how the award was achieved by having everyone in St. Stephen’s working together to benefit the boys in our school, and how it was Mrs. Kehoe who started us on the road to becoming a digital school for all the hard work that she put in over many years to get computers, servers, and so many other IT resources installed in our school.
Br. Frank talked about the Board of Management who work so hard for our school, and the Parents’ Association who do so many fantastic activities to raise money to benefit all the boys in our school. It was a day to remember for all associated with St. Stephen’s. Below, you can view photos in our gallery (thanks to Mr. O’Sullivan and Br. Frank for taking the photos) from the day St. Stephen’s De La Salle officially became a Digital School of Distinction !