St. Stephen's De La Salle

Scríobh Rang a Cúig leabhar grinn mar gheall ar turas siopadóireachta sa chathair! Chuaigh an rang go léir isteach go lár na cathrach, agus thóg siad pictiúirí sa siopaí éagsúla. Nuair a tháinig an rang ar ais ar scoil, scríobh na grúpaí cúpla abairtí mar gheall ar na ghriangrafanna a bhí tógtha acu! (Tá na hainmneacha i bhfolach) Cliceáil anseo chun é a fheiceáil mar PDF!

5th Class wrote a comic about a shopping trip in the city! The whole class went into the centre of the city, and they took pictures in different shops. When the class came back to school, the groups wrote a few sentences about the photographs they had taken! (Names have been hidden) Click here to see it as a PDF!


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