Science for Fun ran in Mr. Lyons’ 2nd Class in January 2024 as the boys welcomed Miss Robinson and some brilliant volunteer parents to do fun science experiments!
The boys worked with volcanoes – discussing some famous volcanoes and how volcanoes erupt. Then came the time for the experiment! Using food colouring, baking soda, volcano moulds and vinegar, the groups tested to see what happens when lava escapes from the top of the volcano and what direction it might take when it does erupt. It was messy and smelly fun – the best kind! Then the boys experimented with floating eggs – which didn’t float at first but once salt was added, the eggs magically rose to the top of the glass!
Thanks to the super volunteer parents for coming in to help out and to our awesome Home School Liaison Teacher Miss Robinson for organising and running all the activities! Super work from the budding scientists in 2nd Class! Check out some great photos in the gallery below!